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Principal Kristy Graham

Phone: 478-779-3250


Degrees and Certifications:

Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE)
Georgia Association for Elementary Leaders (GAEL)
Georgia Association for Elementary School Principals (GAESP)
Georgia Association for Elementary Assistant Principals Association (GAEAP)
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Georgia Leadership for School Improvement (GLISI)
B.S. Early Childhood Education- Georgia College and State University
M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction through the Arts- Lesley University
Ed. S. Educational Leadership - Georgia College and State University
Ed. D. (Student) Doctor of Education and Administration- Walden University
Collaborative Coaching/Mentor Endorsement
Teacher Support Specialist Endorsement
Reading/Literacy Endorsement

Performing Arts Nurture Dreams, Academics and Success

As an administrator at Vineville Academy School of Fine Arts, I will hold myself accountable for our vision of creating masterpieces, in which we promise to:

Accept responsibility for our actions and our learning,
Challenge us each day to do our best,
Have high expectations for everyone,
Involve home, school and community in our learning,
Engage in active learning and teaching in our classrooms,
Value, appreciate, and celebrate each other's differences,
Expect quality work from everyone – everyday, every time.

I promise to provide a warm, safe and cozy culture and environment so that the children, parents and staff will feel welcome and at ease. Each day I promise to make learning a top priority so that our students will be prepared for the next school year. I will encourage and support educators to teach in a creative, differentiated manner so that each child can grasp the information to the best of their ability. I promise to show consideration and compassion for each child, parent and staff member - embracing the importance of respect for uniqueness and for differences.

It is my responsibility to keep myself informed, educated and on the cutting edge of educational advancements and stay a TEAM member at all times. I promise to stay motivated and learn new skills and concepts from other professionals who have more knowledge. I promise to help those who may be struggling at one time or another so that they can make the most out of their day. I promise to be open and inviting to everyone who walks through the doors of the ARTS. Smiles and Good Mornings are always a great way to start the day. I promise to make the most of each day sharing in the lives of our students, nurturing their dreams, academics and success! Today is tomorrow's past and what happens in the past makes an impact on the future. I promise to prepare our children for their years of lifelong learning in our system and for the years of achievement in our community.

Kristy Graham